A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Mitt Romney's Southern Pander-Ama "he's rich, y'all!
Your kudzu is just the right height!
I love all of your great ideas! But also the small, ignorant ones that dot parts of The South!
I don't drink soda, so I'm cool with you weirdos calling every flavor "Coke."
Boss Hogg was my favorite Duke of Hazzard!
I'll now try to woo you by singin' Skynyrd: "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"
Some of my best friends own jug bands!
I'm proud to have the support of Jeff Dunham's most racist puppet!
I've felt a deep connection to the South ever since I posthumously baptized Robert E. Lee.
Santorum's fave was Rosco P. Coltrane.