A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Man-Style Guide
A sophisticated bachelor maintains a prophylactic cabinet that offers a wide variety of options for overnight guests.
T-shirts should be discarded once one of the holes lines up with a nipple.
Instead of body sprays, try the scent that comes with a daily hygiene routine.
Give yourself a distinguished wang by dyeing your side-pubes gray.
In a pinch, an ascot can be used to disguise an unsightly neckbeard.
Jorts are only acceptable if you're performing a Dorf-like comedy routine*. "I'm short, but not really!" *However, Dorf comedy is also unacceptable.
If asked to speak at a congressional hearing on women's health, send a polite note declining the invitation. "Dear sirs, Since I'm a dude, I respectfully decline your invitation to make decisions about ladies' guts.
My life is a Dorf routine.