A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Box Office Duds
Rich Vigilante "Hey, criminal. I'll give you $1,000 to stop robbing."
Angry, Unmutated Scientist "Peer review THIS, puny colleague!"
Reboot "Reboots mid-movie with a younger cast!"
The "Meet Cute" Murderer "Hey! We both have Pixies' t-shirts!"
Twinkie the Man "A gritty reimagining of a junk food icon." "What have I done?"
Kids' Movie, with sports in the top corner for weekend dads
Tooth & Toothless "Cheech and Chong for the meth set!"
Debt Ceiling Debate 2 "More contrived than the original!"
If Hostess wants to improve their image, I can write the "Twinkie" script.