A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Viral Campaign Videos
Romney, "Harry Reid bit my finger ... and it REALLY HURT!"
Bain Intruder Song - Obama, "They're 'offshoring' e'rybody up in here. Hide your jobs. Hide your assets."
Seven Minutes of Murder - ZERO Checks and Balances
Pandering to Pandas - Romney, "Your slides are just the right height!"
Flash Mob Fundraiser - "Just $10,000 a pillow!" "$35,000 to hit the candidate!"
Romney, "Leave my tax returns ALONE!"
Obama Climbs Into a Small Box Like a Kitty Cat! "Contents: Bipartisanship"
Karl Rove, "We're going to put a bunch of anonymous cash in this Coke bottle." Sheldon Adelson, "Then buy ads for Romney."
Don't put your money in regular Coke or you'll give it diabetes.